


– Planning and Project Management
– Manage and Prioritise Product Backlog
– Feature and Interaction Design

– Write product design and documents
– Lean Business Planning and Development
– Building MVP


ReKosh - You have the bottle, We recycle it for you
Consultant @ReKosh

2023 – Present
The name ReKosh is derived from two words: “re” as in recycle, and “kosh,” which means “Bin” or “Box” in Bulgarian. Essentially, ReKosh stands for “a recycling box.”


ReKosh is a smart recycling box equipped with a touch screen and AI, recognising plastic and glass bottles as well as cans. It aims for campaign-specific collection goals, such as gathering 100,000 bottles.


Integrated with additional hardware and connected to a central server for synchronised operation, users can easily deposit bottles into ReKosh. It utilises a custom AI for precise object recognition, facilitating accurate recycling.


Upon reaching the goal, the collected materials are converted into funds, supporting company reinvestment and public causes like hospital equipment or assisting individuals in need.


We recognise that it’s easy for one to fall into a routine of work, home, television, and inactivity. We’re determined to break that mold. The blessings we enjoy today are the legacy of our forebears. To ensure a prosperous future for our children and subsequent generations, we believe it’s imperative to take action now.


My role: Software consultant



Founder @StartupStage

2019 – 2020
StartupStage is a network of startups and entrepreneurs dedicated to supporting early-stage startups in refining their business concepts and securing investments.


My role: Planning and project management, prioritizing the product backlog, feature and interaction design, lean business planning and development, and building MVP.



Founder @Peoplegogo

2015 – 2017
Peoplegogo is a crowdfunding platform for volunteer-driven campaigns.


My role: Planning and project management, prioritizing the product backlog, feature and interaction design, and crafting product design documents.

Founder @NowayMedia

2011 – 2015

Noway Media Ltd. was founded in 2011 with the aim of developing web applications. This endeavour provided a valuable experience as it allowed me to delve into the essence of managing a small startup and understanding the business processes behind it.

I managed the development of the following two startups:

  • QRL (bit.ly for QR codes)
  • Schoodle (SaaS connecting teachers and parents via Internet)


This Is A Partial List
Startup School
Startup School by Y Combinator


10-weeks course how to start a startup.


Decentralised Finances (DeFi)


DeFi or Decentralized Finance is a new technology whereby users interact as peers with algorithms or smart contracts rather than through traditional intermediaries such as banks, brokerages or insurance companies.



This Is A Partial List

– Lecturer at GoViral in Almaty, Kazakstan, 15th – 17th of July 2018. I had a lecture about “Product development” and a workshop about “Lean StartUp methodology and how to build a Minimum Viable Product (MVP)”.
– Mentor at AbleMentor, 2019. Project: HistoricalWalk
– Guest-mentor at Teenovator in Sofia Tech Park, Jan 2020.